Research your AM General with our VIN decoder
Enter your AM General's 17-digit VIN above to decode your VIN. We will show your vehicle specification and full vehicle history report, which includes thefts, detailed vehicle records, accidents, titles, and more. This information is compiled by from multiple sources including but not limited to DMVs, police records, insurance database and made public as a free, informational resource.
We also have a list of AM General's squish VIN information available in the table below. A squish vin is basically the first 11 characters of the full VIN Number. However, it does not contain the 9th character, which is a check digit to check the validity of a VIN number. With squish VIN, you can manually decode your AM General's VIN with just pen and paper. To learn more check out, What is a VIN Number
AM General | Hummer | 1999 | 137ZA833XE |
About AM General
AM General is an American contract automotive and heavy vehicle car manufacturer situated in South Bend, Indiana. It's best known for the military Humvee that is assembled in Mishawaka, Indiana. For a relatively short period, 1974–1979, the carmaker also produced transit buses, making more than 5,400. AM General traces its roots back to the Standard Wheel Company of Terre Haute, Indiana, which grew bigger in 1903 to incorporate the Overland Automotive Division.
In 1908, John North Willys bought the Overland organization, at that point situated in Indianapolis, Indiana, and renamed it Willys-Overland Motors, Inc. In the 1940s, Willys-Overland built up a vehicle to the U.S. Armed force's requirement and later mass-produced "America's first-ever 4WD one-fourth-ton strategic utility truck"— the Jeep of World War II fame. In 1953, Kaiser Motors acquired Willys-Overland and changed the name to Kaiser-Willys Motor Company. In 1963 they changed the company's name again to Kaiser-Jeep Corporation.
AM General likewise obtained contracts from the Department of Defense to produce medium and heavy trucks for the military. These incorporated the M35 series of trucks. M151 series of trucks and heavier five-ton series of trucks. In 2005, AM General was contracted to assume control over sales, militarization, and marketing of L.S.S.V. vehicles. As a deft, privately-owned company, AM General serves customers in manners others can't. Their flexibility enables them to think and act big, and they invest in the future by employing services of the top talents, suppliers, and partners that bring unparalleled aptitude and efficient to address customers' needs.
Where to find my VIN Number?
You can find your VIN through the lower right of the windshield, and under the hood of your front engine.
As for Motorcycle VIN, you can lookup your VIN on the motorcycle frame, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requires all "two wheelers" or "three wheelers" or ATV to have the VIN displayed on the frame.
You can also do a VIN lookup or VIN number lookup on your insurance card/policy. You can learn more on how to locate your VIN from our guides as shown on the right side.
Locate Your Car VIN Number
VIN is an important piece of information you need to have. But where do you find it on your car? This guide is aimed to show you the different locations you can find the VIN of your Car
Learn MoreLocate Your Motorcycle VIN Number
Every motorcycle manufacturer display the VIN on different locations. The vast majority of motorcycles we came across display the VIN and frame number on the right side of the head stock tube.
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