Leasing vs. Buying a Car – The changing Landscape

Buying vs Leasing

Are you contemplating buying a new car, but entangled in a tough call whether to buy a new car or lease a car and postpone the buying for now. Well, being an owner will see an increase in the monthly costs initially but in the end, you will own it. On the other hand, leasing a car will call for smaller monthly payments but this will be incessant until you give away the leasing. According to sources, the leasing has taken over owning a car … Read more

Protecting Yourself from Odometer Rollback Fraud

Protecting Yourself from Odometer Rollback Fraud

The odometer rollback fraud is a common motor vehicle fraud committed by dealers. In order to increase the vehicle’s worth; you can find them rolling back the odometer readings. They make the car appear to have lower mileage than what the odometer’s real reading was. What is the Rollback of an Odometer? The odometer can be rolled-back to take hundreds or even thousands of kilometers off the number shown, just like any part of a vehicle can be changed. This reading is a significant data … Read more

Understanding Used Car Prices – Don’t Get Ripped Off

Understanding Used Car Prices

Whether you’re in the market to buy a used car or are trying to sell one, you’ll need to know the terms of the trade to make sure that you’re not getting ripped off. There are a ton of people out that are more than willing to rip you off, but if you do your homework, you can walk away knowing that you got a good deal. Asking Price This is the price you are most familiar with; it’s the price that the seller is … Read more

Buying an Extended Warranty For Your Car? Avoid it at all cost [2021]

Extended Warranty Scam

Why you should run for the hills when a company offers an extended warranty You just bought your new car. Whether it’s new off the assembly line or new to you, it doesn’t matter. You sign the contract and then get whisked away into some office. You’re talking with someone new that’s pushing all kinds of packages on you. The biggest one they’re trying to promote? The extended warranty. You’re a little stressed because you just dropped a ton of money on a car, and … Read more

Best Used Ford Model to Buy [2021 Guide]

Best Used Ford Model To Buy

Are you considering buying a used Ford in 2021 but not sure which model is right for you? Then this guide is perfect four you. Ford Motors Company was the best-selling car brand in the U.S. during 2019 mainly due to its ability to offer an unmatched experience to each market segment. With so many good vehicles available it is understandable that deciding on one is difficult.  The goal of this guide is to narrow down your options based on what is most important to … Read more

Best Used Chevrolet Model to Buy [2021 Guide]

Best Used Chevrolet Model To Buy

Chevrolet is without a doubt one of the most important automakers in the U.S. Regardless if you are looking for a sedan, a sport utility vehicle, a sports car, or a reliable truck, Chevrolet has something to offer you. Moreover, as part of GM, Chevrolet count with many cutting-edge features and safety technologies unique to the brand that ensures not only a pleasant but a safer ride. With so many Chevrolet units available, your chances of finding a good deal when buying a second-hand Chevrolet … Read more

Best Used Acura Model to Buy [2021 Guide]

Best used Acura model to buy

Is it worth buying a used Acura?  Absolutely. As you will discover in our Best Used Acura Model to Buy in 2021 guide, purchasing a pre-owned Acura is an investment. Why? Simple, no other brand comes close to Acura’s resale value. You can buy an $8,000 Acura today and still sell it at an incredibly good price two years later. This remarkable feat is possible thanks to Acura’s commitment to only using high-quality materials along with the most advanced manufacturing process. With that said, are … Read more

How Do I Get a Copy of My Driver Record and Why You Should Do It

Why you should get your Driving Records

Have you ever walked into an insurance agent’s office and received a request to submit your driving record? You may have received similar requests during employment screening and legal applications every now and then. A Driver Record, also known as Motor Vehicle (MVR) record is a proof of any previous driving violations within the period of 3 to 10 years depending upon the nature of the offense. In many countries, even in the US, maintaining a good driving record is recommended to dodge any driving … Read more

Best Used Motorcycles For College Students In 2021

Best used motorcycles for college students

So, you’re at college now and decided that a motorcycle would be better for commuting than a car. Excellent choice! Motorcycles are more fun to drive and much more practical than cars! With that said, you’ll quickly discover that choosing the best motorcycle for college can be a daunting task. There are so many motorcycles to choose from. Where to start? How to pick an option that suits your needs? The goal of this guide is to free you from the stress associated with shopping … Read more