Late Auto Insurance Payments: Penalties and Effects

Somebody should have told you that insurance companies are impression-based. You must not take it personally because providing insurance to the public is a business. The list below will tell you not only the penalties but also the repercussions of late auto insurance payments. Cancellation due to non-payment The insurance company may have to cancel your policy when you do not pay on time. While life insurance policies usually have a grace period, not all auto insurance companies allow a grace period within which you … Read more

What are Title Brands?

Title brands are not what you think they are. They do not represent a “brand name” as we know it, for example: Ford. Title brands carry a negative connotation with them. A title brand has everything to do with a vehicle’s history. It is usually indicated in a car’s certificate of registration. When buying a vehicle, pretending to be Nancy Drew or Hercule Poirot can be useful. You have to play detective to know a vehicle’s past. What do title brands tell us? Title brands … Read more

When Should I Assume Higher Risk With Auto Insurance?

Assuming a higher risk with respect to your auto insurance depends on your choices and your current situation. Just because you have money in the bank or you are tightening belts during the rainy days does not mean that you have to opt for a higher risk with auto insurance or opt for a lower one. You would be surprised to know that choosing to assume a higher risk does not entirely depend on how much money you have on hand or how broke you … Read more

Auto Insurance Endorsement

There will come a point that your auto insurance needs or your financial situation may change which will force or require you to make changes on your existing auto insurance policy. And this is where auto insurance endorsement comes in. Basically, an auto insurance endorsement refers to the changes that you may want to do on your existing auto insurance coverage policy. These changes can be to expand it or to restrict coverage with the former giving you more benefits but getting you higher premium … Read more

Understanding a Vehicle History Report

When you order a Vehicle History Report from any company of your choice, you will get a detailed report, which you may find hard to read or understand. You may get confused with phrases like Salvage auctions, insurance loss, vehicle events and several other phrases. A mechanic will tell you that the information that these phrases carry is nothing more than just a detailed vehicle report. The major categories of a VHR include Title History, Odometer Evaluation and Vehicle Events. Title History Title History contains … Read more

What is a Vehicle History Report?

What is a Vehicle History Report?

You might have an idea of the car you’d like to get your hands on; you’ve done your homework and even visited a few dealerships to look around and consider your options. You might already have identified a couple of cars as the car you’re getting. The biggest question is: “Am I getting my money’s worth out of my purchase?” The potential of vehicle fraud is still a valid cause of concern when buying a used car. You don’t want to be caught with your … Read more

Why Order a Motorcycle History Report?

You want to purchase a motorcycle from a reliable dealer. You go online and start searching for the best deal for you. You have enough money; the dealer also seems to be nice. The motorcycle photos you are seeing don’t show any damage. The motorcycle’s overall look and specifications are also good. You think all that information is enough and you can go ahead and table an offer, Right? That’s not correct. There is one more important step that you should take before entering your … Read more

How Do Auto Insurance Deductibles Work?

For those who are not familiar with the term auto insurance deductibles; deductibles refer to the amount of money you pay out of your wallet before your auto insurance coverage take into effect. Insurance companies require policy holders to pay a certain amount depending on their contract before the policy holder can take advantage of their insurance. By knowing the amount that you can comfortably pay when accidents happen, you will be able to determine the right car insurance for you. Defining a Deductible Payment … Read more

Factors That Determine Auto Insurance Premium

Auto insurance premium refers to the amount of money that you need to pay an insurance company, in order to be able to take advantage of your auto insurance policy. The amount that you need to pay for your policy depends on a multitude of factors. Coverage The value of your premium is partially influenced by the kind of coverage that you and the auto insurance company agreed upon. There is the option for drivers to go for basic liability and there is also the … Read more

3 Ways to Get a Free VIN Check

If you can get a free VIN check, you have to seize the opportunity. Being resourceful is the key, and all you need to have is the car’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), a laptop and an internet connection. Knowing the car’s VIN is a must so you can check the car’s background. One of the perks of being a buyer is that a seller will try to please you in any way they can just to close a deal. If you are a buyer, you … Read more