Leasing vs. Buying a Car – The changing Landscape

Buying vs Leasing

Are you contemplating buying a new car, but entangled in a tough call whether to buy a new car or lease a car and postpone the buying for now. Well, being an owner will see an increase in the monthly costs initially but in the end, you will own it. On the other hand, leasing a car will call for smaller monthly payments but this will be incessant until you give away the leasing. According to sources, the leasing has taken over owning a car … Read more

Understanding Used Car Prices – Don’t Get Ripped Off

Understanding Used Car Prices

Whether you’re in the market to buy a used car or are trying to sell one, you’ll need to know the terms of the trade to make sure that you’re not getting ripped off. There are a ton of people out that are more than willing to rip you off, but if you do your homework, you can walk away knowing that you got a good deal. Asking Price This is the price you are most familiar with; it’s the price that the seller is … Read more

Identifying Hidden Car Buying Fees

The true cost of buying a car goes beyond the asking price, retail price or the agreeable monthly payment. There are several hidden costs that you will need to be aware of, which count towards the true cost of owning a new car. To ensure that the used or new car you choose provides maximum value and fits your budget, you will need to consider all the hidden costs. Some of these hidden car buying fees have been explained below. Financing Charges When you are … Read more

Buying a Car with Bad Credit

If you are planning to finance your car with a bad credit, then you will find limited options because many banks and lending institutions only give loans to people with good credits. However, there are several ways of buying a car even if your credit score is low. The steps below will show you how to buy a car with a bad credit. Rebuild your credit score first You will need to improve your credit score as much as you can before you visit your … Read more

Factoring Car Insurance Rates into Your Budget

If you are planning to acquire a new or used car, you must factor car insurance rates in your budget because each state requires car buyers to purchase minimum car insurance before driving their cars on public roads. If you have been shopping for the cheapest car insurance cover, you would have probably known that there are many factors that will determine your insurance rates. Continue reading this article get more insights about some of the factors that determine your car insurance rates. Factors that … Read more